Potassium alum

Generic Name
Potassium alum
DrugBank Accession Number

Potassium alum is considered past the FDA as a by and large recognized every bit safe (GRAS) substance.ix Information technology is an inorganic common salt, also called potassium aluminum sulfate with a formula of AlK(SO4)2 that is predominantly produced in the dodecahydrate form (AlK(SO4)2 * 12H2O). Potassium alum is formed by big, transparent crystals that are used in different products like food or drugs every bit a buffer, neutralizing or forming agent.four

Pocket-sized Molecule


Average: 258.205
Monoisotopic: 257.848703658
Chemical Formula
AlKOviiiDue south2
  • Alum, potassium
  • Aluminium potassium bis(sulphate)
  • Aluminium potassium sulfate
  • Aluminum potassium alum
  • Aluminum potassium disulfate
  • Aluminum potassium sulfate
  • Aluminum potassium sulfate anhydrous
  • Burnt potassium alum
  • Potash alum
  • Potassium aluminium sulfate
  • Potassium aluminum disulfate
External IDs
  • E-522
  • INS NO.522
  • INS-522

Potassium alum is considered rubber by the FDA and its use is in homepathic or OTC products. Due to its presence in several different drugs, the chief indications for the apply of potassium alum are:

-Constipation10 -Cosmetic or drug astringent, helping the shrinkage of tissues and the dry of secretions11 -Oral health care drugxi -Part of formulation in cleansing products, skin-care products, mosturizers, face powders and deodorants12 -Antiperspirantxiii -Antifungal13


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The presence of potassium alum reduces swollen mucous membranes that outcome from inflammation of the nasal, gastrointestinal and urinary passages also as in the presence of excessive secretions. The consecration of the coagulation pour will likewise finish bleeding.14

Machinery of action

The main functions of potassium alum in drugs are as an astringent, antiseptic or adjuvant agent. The astringent activeness is performed by the induction of coagulation in the superficial tissue layers until the formation of a crust. The formation of alum ions neutralize the charges on plasma proteins, causing the blood to coagulate. Similar consequence is observed in disinfectants where these ions react with the free organic acid and thiol groups of proteins on microbes and free proteins, resulting in protein precipitation. This action will generate the contraction of the tissue and dry up secretions. Its adjuvant properties are mainly used in the production of vaccines where the presence of this chemical enhances the immune response.15


Potassium alum is establish in its dodecahydrate grade that produces a very big molecule. This large molecule cannot exist absorbed through the skin when this substance is included as an severe amanuensis in topical OTC.five If ingested, the aluminum salts are quickly solubilized in the breadbasket so they can generate aluminum hydroxide or poorly captivated basic aluminum salts.6

Volume of distribution

The distribution of aluminum salts in the body is influenced past increased concentrations of parathyroid hormone. It was shown, in preclinical studies, that oral administration of aluminum salts produces a distribution profile that forms deposits in kidneys, muscle, os and grey matter.7

Protein binding

In studies, information technology has been shown that aluminum and aluminum salts are highly bound to plasma proteins. From the reports, it was found that 70-90% is jump to plasma proteins of which 60-70% is related to loftier molecular weight proteins and 10-20% to albumin.1


Potassium alum does not go through a metabolic pathway. When ingested or absorbed, information technology will get apace dissolved and it will course ions that volition later generate other common salt derivatives.

Route of elimination

When potassium alum is captivated, the kidney is responsible for the elimination of the major portion of the absorbed dose.2 From the excretion, 0.1-0.iii% of the absorbed dose is eliminated via the urine.8


Studies performed with aluminum compounds have shown a one-half-life of iv.5 h when administered intravenously.8


Renal clearance of aluminum is approximately 5-10% of the excretion of urea or creatinine. The reduced clearance of aluminum compounds is due to the high protein binding.3

Adverse Effects


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There is no evidence of potassium alum that demonstrates whatsoever suspicious for information technology to be a hazard for the consumers in the currently canonical levels of use.nine

Non Available
Pharmacogenomic Effects/ADRs
Not Available
Drug Interactions

This information should not exist interpreted without the help of a healthcare provider. If you believe y'all are experiencing an interaction, contact a healthcare provider immediately. The absenteeism of an interaction does non necessarily mean no interactions exist.

Drug Interaction
Acebutolol Potassium alum may increase the hyperkalemic activities of Acebutolol.
Aceclofenac Potassium alum may increase the hyperkalemic activities of Aceclofenac.
Acemetacin Potassium alum may increase the hyperkalemic activities of Acemetacin.
Acetylsalicylic acid Potassium alum may increment the hyperkalemic activities of Acetylsalicylic acrid.
Alclofenac Potassium alum may increase the hyperkalemic activities of Alclofenac.
Aliskiren Potassium alum may increment the hyperkalemic activities of Aliskiren.
Amiloride The risk or severity of hyperkalemia can be increased when Potassium alum is combined with Amiloride.
Aminophenazone Potassium alum may increment the hyperkalemic activities of Aminophenazone.
Amiodarone Potassium alum may increase the hyperkalemic activities of Amiodarone.
Amlodipine Potassium alum may increase the hyperkalemic activities of Amlodipine.
Nutrient Interactions
Not Available


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Production Ingredients
Ingredient UNII CAS InChI Fundamental
Potassium alum dodecahydrate Not Bachelor Not Available Not applicable
Brand Name Prescription Products
Proper name Dosage Strength Route Labeller Marketing Start Marketing Finish Region Paradigm
Gingibraid W Alum Pot Sulf 0a 0.25mg/two.5cm Packing 0.25 mg / 2.5 cm Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2007-07-31 Canada flag
Gingibraid Due west Alum Pot Sulf 1a 0.35mg/two.5cm Packing 0.35 mg / 2.5 cm Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2007-07-31 Canada flag
Gingibraid W Alum Pot Sulf 2a 0.65mg/two.5cm Packing 0.65 mg / 2.5 cm Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2007-07-31 Canada flag
Gingibraid W Alum Pot Sulf 3a 1.15mg/two.5cm Packing ane.xv mg / two.5 cm Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2007-07-31 Canada flag
Gingiyarn W Alum Pot Sulf No1 0.45mg/2.5cm Packing .45 mg / 2.5 cm Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2005-08-04 Canada flag
Gingiyarn W Alum Pot Sulf No2 0.8mg/2.5cm Packing .8 mg / 2.5 cm Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2005-08-04 Canada flag
Gingiyarn W Alum Pot Sulf No3 i.35mg/two.5cm Packing 1.35 mg / ii.five cm Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2005-08-04 Canada flag
Sulpak R 24 Packing .138 mg / cm Dental Due north Pacific Dental Inc. 1981-12-31 1997-12-22 Canada flag
Sulpak R 25 Packing .244 mg / cm Dental North Pacific Dental Inc. 1981-12-31 1997-12-22 Canada flag
Sulpak R 26 Packing .68 mg / cm Dental North Pacific Dental Inc. 1981-12-31 1997-12-22 Canada flag
Over the Counter Products
Name Dosage Strength Road Labeller Marketing Start Marketing End Region Prototype
Alum Powdered Powder Oral Dawson Traders Ltd. 1977-12-31 2006-03-22 Canada flag
Mixture Products
Name Ingredients Dosage Road Labeller Marketing Start Marketing End Region Image
Blood End Liq Potassium alum (62.2 mg / mL) + Tannic acid (62.ii mg / mL) Liquid Topical Laboratoire Romilo 1979-12-31 1999-08-xviii Canada flag
Gingibraid W Alum Pot Sulf and Epin 0e Potassium alum (0.fifteen mg / 2.v cm) + Racepinephrine hydrochloride (0.2 mg / 2.5 cm) Packing Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2007-07-31 Canada flag
Gingibraid W Epineph and Alum 1e Potassium alum (0.25 mg / 2.five cm) + Racepinephrine hydrochloride (0.four mg / two.5 cm) Packing Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2007-07-31 Canada flag
Gingibraid W Epineph and Alum 2e Potassium alum (0.35 mg / two.v cm) + Racepinephrine hydrochloride (0.six mg / 2.5 cm) Packing Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2007-07-31 Canada flag
Gingibraid West Epineph and Alum 3e Potassium alum (0.55 mg / ii.5 cm) + Racepinephrine hydrochloride (0.9 mg / 2.5 cm) Packing Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2007-07-31 Canada flag
Gingicord W Epineph and Alum Size No 1 Potassium alum (.ii mg / ii.5 cm) + Racepinephrine hydrochloride (.4 mg / ii.5 cm) Packing Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2005-08-04 Canada flag
Gingicord W Epineph and Alum Size No 3 Potassium alum (.95 mg / 2.5 cm) + Racepinephrine hydrochloride (one.seven mg / 2.5 cm) Packing Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2005-08-04 Canada flag
Gingicord West/epineph and Alum Size 2 Potassium alum (.37 mg / 2.5 cm) + Racepinephrine hydrochloride (.7 mg / two.5 cm) Packing Dental Van R Dental Products Inc. 1981-12-31 2005-08-04 Canada flag
Super Sulpak R 44 Potassium alum (.138 mg / cm) + Racepinephrine hydrochloride (.108 mg / cm) Packing Dental North Pacific Dental Inc. 1981-12-31 1997-12-22 Canada flag
Super Sulpak R 45 Potassium alum (.244 mg / cm) + Racepinephrine hydrochloride (.182 mg / cm) Packing Dental N Pacific Dental Inc. 1981-12-31 1997-12-22 Canada flag
Drug Categories
  • Adjuvants, Immunologic
  • Aluminium Compounds
  • Immunologic Factors
  • Metal cations
  • Metal divalent cations
  • Potassium Salt
  • Sulfates
  • Sulfur Acids
  • Sulfur Compounds
  • Sulfuric Acids
Chemical TaxonomyProvided by Classyfire
This compound belongs to the class of inorganic compounds known as mail service-transition element sulfates. These are inorganic compounds in which the largest oxoanion is sulfate, and in which the heaviest atom not in an oxoanion is a mail service-transition metal.
Inorganic compounds
Super Class
Mixed metal/non-metal compounds
Postal service-transition metallic oxoanionic compounds
Sub Form
Post-transition metal sulfates
Straight Parent
Postal service-transition element sulfates
Alternative Parents
Mail service-transition metal salts / Inorganic salts / Inorganic oxides
Inorganic oxide / Inorganic post-transition metallic salt / Inorganic salt / Mail-transition element sulfate
Molecular Framework
Non Available
External Descriptors
potassium salt, metallic sulfate, aluminium salt (CHEBI:86463)
Affected organisms
  • Humans and other mammals
CAS number
InChI Key



aluminium(three+) ion potassium disulfate


[Al+3].[One thousand+].[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O.[O-]S([O-])(=O)=O

General References
  1. Elliott HL, Macdougall AI: Aluminium studies in dialysis encephalopathy. Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc. 1978;15:157-63. [Article]
  2. Kovalchik MT, Kaehny WD, Hegg AP, Jackson JT, Alfrey Ac: Aluminum kinetics during hemodialysis. J Lab Clin Med. 1978 Nov;92(five):712-20. [Article]
  3. Berlyne GM, Ben-Ari J, Pest D, Weinberger J, Stern Grand, Levine R, Gilmore GR: Hyperaluminaemia from aluminum resins in renal failure. Lancet. 1970 Sep 5;2(7671):494-6. [Article]
  4. Burdock G. (1997). Encyclopedia of food and colour additives. CRC Press.
  5. Burke I. (2000). The nature of beauty . Ebury Press.
  6. McEvoy G., Miller J. and Litvak Thousand. (1990). AHFS Drug information 90.. Bethesda.
  7. National research council (1981). Drinking h2o and health (4th ed.). National academy press.
  8. Ellenhorn M.J. and Barceloux D.One thousand. (1988). Medical toxicology: diagnosis and handling of human poisoning. Elsevier.
  9. FDA GRAS [Link]
  10. Homepathic label [Link]
  11. EWG's skin deep [Link]
  12. Cosmetics info [Link]
  13. FDA OTC ingredients [Link]
  14. Encyclopaedia Britannica [Link]
  15. What is alum? [Link]
PubChem Compound
PubChem Substance
Clinical Trials
Phase Condition Purpose Conditions Count

Not Available


Not Available

Dosage Forms
Form Road Strength
Powder Oral
Liquid Topical
Packing Dental 0.25 mg / 2.5 cm
Packing Dental 0.35 mg / ii.5 cm
Packing Dental 0.65 mg / ii.five cm
Packing Dental 1.15 mg / ii.5 cm
Packing Dental
Packing Dental .45 mg / 2.5 cm
Packing Dental .8 mg / 2.5 cm
Packing Dental 1.35 mg / 2.5 cm
Packing Dental .138 mg / cm
Packing Dental .244 mg / cm
Packing Dental .68 mg / cm
Not Available
Non Available
Experimental Properties
Property Value Source
melting bespeak (°C) 92.5 °C 'MSDS'
boiling point (°C) 200 °C 'MSDS'
water solubility 1 g/ vii.five ml at 25ºC Burdock G. Encyclopedia of food and colour additives. (1997).
Predicted Properties
Property Value Source
logP -0.84 ChemAxon
pKa (Strongest Acidic) -3 ChemAxon
Physiological Accuse -two ChemAxon
Hydrogen Acceptor Count 4 ChemAxon
Hydrogen Donor Count 0 ChemAxon
Polar Surface Area 80.26 Å2 ChemAxon
Rotatable Bond Count 0 ChemAxon
Refractivity xi.53 chiliadiii·mol-ane ChemAxon
Polarizability 5.81 Å3 ChemAxon
Number of Rings 0 ChemAxon
Bioavailability 1 ChemAxon
Rule of Five Yes ChemAxon
Ghose Filter No ChemAxon
Veber'south Dominion No ChemAxon
MDDR-like Rule No ChemAxon
Predicted ADMET Features
Not Available
Mass Spec (NIST)
Non Available
Not Bachelor


Pharmacological action




General Role
Toxic substance binding
Specific Function
Serum albumin, the principal protein of plasma, has a skilful binding capacity for h2o, Ca(2+), Na(+), Thou(+), fat acids, hormones, bilirubin and drugs. Its chief part is the regulation of the colloid...
Gene Name
Uniprot ID
Uniprot Proper name
Serum albumin
Molecular Weight
69365.94 Da
  1. Elliott HL, Macdougall AI: Aluminium studies in dialysis encephalopathy. Proc Eur Punch Transplant Assoc. 1978;15:157-63. [Article]

Drug created at September 15, 2022 20:19 / Updated at January 02, 2022 12:00